Here in Texas, there are a few fungal diseases that can cause damage to your lawn. One of these diseases is fall brown patch. This disease appears as irregularly shaped patches of grass and spreads quickly. Another common lawn disease here is gray leaf spot, which forms small circular lesions on grass blades. The most serious disease we have to deal with down here is take-all patch. This disease causes large dead spots to form across your entire lawn. If you've noticed any of these indicators of lawn disease or something else that concerns you, you should contact a lawn care professional to treat your lawn with a fungicide.

1. Fall Brown Patch

Fall brown patch is a persistent lawn disease that causes circular patches of dead grass to appear on lawns. It commonly appears on lawns in late summer through early winter and thrives in warm, humid conditions. When it's active, this fungus will create thin, straw-colored spots on your grass blades. As these patches grow larger, you may notice darker rings of color around their edges.

The best way to combat fall brown patch is by seeking professional treatment before it becomes severe. Early intervention is crucial for preventing further spread and ensuring a speedy recovery for your lawn. Neglecting this disease can lead to complete loss of affected areas and make them more susceptible to other stressors like drought or pests later in the year.

2. Gray Leaf Spot

Gray leaf spot disease on lawn in Austin, TX.

Gray leaf spot is another prevalent lawn disease in Texas. This fungal infection is characterized by circular or irregularly shaped lesions with tan or yellow centers. These patches often have distinct dark borders and eventually turn into thin strips of dead grass. The affected area will be thinner than surrounding healthy growth and may wilt and dry out during hot, sunny weather.

This disease typically starts showing up in mid-to-late spring when temperatures rise and humidity levels increase. It thrives in moist, shaded environments but can also affect areas with poor air circulation. To help prevent gray leaf spot from harming your lawn, avoid overwatering and mowing too short. If left untreated, this disease can weaken your grass and stunt its overall growth, making it more vulnerable to environmental stresses.

3. Take-All Patch

Take-all patch is one of the most destructive lawn diseases that can infect your turf in Texas. It manifests as large, irregularly shaped patches of dead grass that appear bleached or straw-colored. Affected areas tend to be thin and weak compared to surrounding healthy growth. In severe cases, the entire blade of grass may turn brown and die off at the base. This disease is caused by a fungus that feeds on living roots and crown tissue, resulting in weakened areas that cannot support vigorous growth. This disease lies dormant in the soil until favorable conditions trigger its emergence. Therefore, applying curative treatments directly to the ground ensures the removal of all existing fungi and helps prevent reoccurrence in the future.

To help keep your lawn healthy and free of diseases, invest in regular lawn care services like fertilization, aeration, and topdressing.

Call us today to schedule our lawn disease control service!

If you've noticed signs of brown patch, gray leaf spot, or any other lawn disease on your turf, give us a call at Dr. Tex Lawn & Pest to schedule our turf disease control service! Our highly effective treatments will eliminate these diseases from your lawn. We proudly serve residential and commercial property owners, as well as HOAs, in Austin, Round Rock, Cedar Park, Pflugerville, and other nearby areas in Texas. Call us today at (512) 717-5071 to schedule our turf disease control service!