Perimeter pest control treatments are designed to create a protective barrier around your home or business, effectively keeping pests from entering your inside space. When you schedule a perimeter pest control service, experienced professionals will make routine visits throughout the year to apply products that have been proven highly effective against common insects found in Texas. They'll also target the right spots to create a barrier that keeps pests outside where they belong. What's more, if you notice pests making their way inside even after treatment, professionals will usually return to reapply for free. Given the comprehensive coverage and the assurance of a pest-free indoor environment, investing in professional perimeter pest control is undeniably a valuable decision for any home or business owner.

Pros will regularly visit throughout the year to apply their perimeter pest control treatments.

When it comes to a perimeter pest control service, it isn't a one-and-done treatment. That's because you can only protect your property from pests for a limited time before needing another application. In order to create a strong protective barrier against pests, pros will visit throughout the year to reapply their perimeter pest control product before the previous one wears off, providing consistent, overlapping coverage. This means that you can rest easy knowing that your inside space is protected at all times without worrying about any lapses in coverage.

Professional perimeter pest control treatments are typically effective against various common insects in Texas, including spiders, ants, and cockroaches.

Professionals will apply their perimeter pest control treatments in all the right spots.

Wasp nest found outside home in Austin, TX.

Another benefit of opting into a perimeter pest control service is that pros will know exactly where to apply their products to maximize effectiveness. Pros will spray around the exterior perimeter of your building, doors, windows, and your entire yard. These spots provide an ideal environment for pests since they seek refuge in dark, hidden places during the day and use those entry points to access your indoor space. By targeting these spots, pros will make sure that not a single crevice goes untreated, leaving nowhere for pests to hide and ensuring that they don't stand a chance of getting past the barrier surrounding your home or business!

If you still see pests after a perimeter pest control treatment, pros will return to re-treat for free.

If any pests manage to slip past the perimeter pest control treatment and find their way inside your home or business, you should be able to expect that the professionals will make things right by coming back out to re-treat for free. Most companies offer this guarantee because they stand behind their work and will not stop until the job is done correctly. If you continue to notice insects invading your inside space even after a perimeter treatment, then reach out to the company. They should promptly respond and reschedule another treatment without charging you extra.

Call today to schedule our perimeter pest control service!

At Dr. Tex Lawn & Pest, we understand how frustrating it is to find yourself constantly dealing with unwelcome pests invading your indoor space. Fortunately, we will help! We offer our perimeter pest control service to commercial and residential property owners, as well as HOAs, in Austin, Round Rock, Cedar Park, Pflugerville, TX, and nearby areas. Our experienced technicians will visit routinely throughout the year to administer our highly effective treatments to create a barrier around your building that pests won't be able to penetrate. What's more, if you continue seeing pests despite our efforts, we'll return to reapply at no additional cost! Give us a call today at (512) 717-5071 to schedule our perimeter pest control service.